An Important Update Regarding Early Access

Greetings, NIMRODS community!

Our small indie team has been working non-stop to get NIMRODS ready for Early Access. We've been stress testing, experimenting with different gun combinations, squashing bugs left and right, and even showcasing the game at some expos!

We can't wait for you to experience the full potential of our game – every gun augment, every build, every enemy, every genetic mutation, every drone upgrade, and so much more.

But... we could use a little help.

There are so many combinations of gun parts and scenarios (trillions, in fact). For a small team like ours, it's tough to test absolutely everything. We want to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

So, after many conversations, we’ve decided to push the Early Access release date to October 28th.

This is where you come in, NIMROD! We're calling on our community to help us test the game. We already have a small group of dedicated testers in our Discord, but we need a few more. As we work to finalize the Early Access build, we'll be selecting additional testers to join us on this journey.

Our goal is to release weekly (or even daily) builds until we’re absolutely sure the game is rock-solid.

We don’t want to deliver an unfinished or buggy experience. We’re working very hard to make sure your first impression is... "Wow, this is awesome!"

We know this isn't the news you were hoping for. As gamers ourselves, we know how much it sucks when a game you're looking forward to gets delayed. But we also know how often games get released too soon, and we want to avoid that.

Please join our official Discord server for instructions on how to be part of the selective testing group and for more news and updates!
Thank you for your continued support! 💖


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Man, after a while, all I think is "Wow, this is awesome!"

While delays are less fun than having the game you want right now, a good game that's delayed is better than a messy unpolished product that's available on schedule. There are too many examples out there to point to all of them, but pushing a timeframe over a good product doesn't help.

Also, still hoping the game doesn't end up being exclusively locked to Steam. There are various reasons some of us can't or won't use it (in my case, literally can't, it's been a known health risk for 5 years and Valve has openly refused to take appropriate action and behaved abusively in spite of knowing about the problems). At this stage, I'd even advocate in favour of Epic exclusivity (not that they're doing it any more) over releasing a game exclusively on Steam.