NIMRODS Devlog - Bugs Bugs Bugs

Greetings, NIMRODS!

Bugs: I've got them, you need them!
Yes, we mean the insects, not the game-breaking bugs 😅 Though we will showcase the funniest bugs in a future Devlog—stay tuned!

We've been hard at work preparing for our Early Access release, focusing on the new enemy types in the upcoming biomes. This Devlog will spotlight some of the new enemies you'll encounter on your missions to Arius 18B

We’re always seeking feedback on these designs - so if you have any thoughts, feel free to leave a comment below 😁

Keep in mind, a lot of this info is subject to change


Arachnia is a massive and eerily cute spider that will relentlessly pursue you! He occasionally fires spider web projectile which will burst into a large web if it hits you, or if it reaches its maximum range. These webs deal damage on impact and will slow you for a short duration, reapplying the slowing effect as long as you stand in them. We highly recommend not standing in the webs.

When Arachnia's health drops below a certain threshold, he’ll encase himself in a web cocoon, regenerating a portion of his maximum health. This cocoon has its own health bar and must be destroyed to stop the regeneration process.


Grubzilla is a large and slimy grub that inches along the ground looking for NIMRODS to devour! When he’s damaged, he leaves acid puddles on the ground, which will damage anything that steps in them. Additionally, Grubzilla loves to snack on beehives, so whenever he gets near them, he’ll devour them, making himself larger and stronger and angering the bees in the process!

Periodically, he’ll curl up into a ball and will roll after you for a short duration, gaining momentum as he goes. As he gains speed, he’ll lose his maneuverability, so you’ll need to avoid his charging attacks. If he does manage collide with you while rolling, he’ll deal damage which scales with his speed current health. In the worst-case scenarios, you can expect these attacks to be devastating!

This is just a small preview of what's to come. Enemies are a significant role in the core gameplay loop, but they're not the only new additions we’ve been working on. Stay tuned for the next devlog, where we'll discuss some of the new map improvements. #RoadToEA

And with that note - I won’t spoil who this beetle is but leave your thoughts on what you think of these new enemy designs and which of the following numbers you think looks the best!

Thank you for becoming a NIMROD! 🫡

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I'm excited for these updates and can't wait until it's fully released, I'm loving it so far. The new enemies look and sound like a good challenge with everything else already in the game. For the beetle, I prefer concept #1, but I feel any of the concepts could fit very well into the game.