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I don't understand a lot of the stats. Many of them don't even display when you're upgrading things. Some weapons nerf your stats even though it doesn't mention it in the weapon description.

The Hemoglobic add-on  (or whatever it's called) that's supposed to give you health when you kill an enemy actually takes away your health. Many of the upgrades don't seem to do anything or actually effect you in a different way.


We’ve added tooltips if you hover over a stat, it will give you a description of what the stat is. Please let us know which ones don’t make sense to you, like the hemolytic you mentioned.

The Hemolytic Mag will check if you are above a health threshold, and if so on hit it will deal damage to you & deal added damage to the target. If you are below that threshold, neither will happen.

There are many stats that aren't listed on the page where you can use the tooltips. When I'm upgrading my gun I have no idea what things like "Movement Power" mean.

Good game! I got shotgun chasis + explosive bullets + helix pattern for bullets, and it was a very fun synergy!

(1 edit)

Still crashing on the latest Windows version unfortunately :-( If you guys need any logs or something let me know.


Thank you! Yeah we're making great progress everyday on improving performance and adding in new content. Don't forget to join our discord for future updates <3

I would focus on the crash before adding new content, but that's just me giving unsollicited advice ;-) Keep it up making the game better!

(1 edit) (+2)

you also have to consider that no matter how much they know about the crash, they still have to figure out how to fix it. if a few people are working on it, I assume not all of them are amazing at fixing code, it's a really hard task sometimes.

TL;DR : be cosiderate of game devs


I am fully aware of how difficult software development can be, have been doing that for quite some years as well. Just wanted to emphasize that it is a crash with quite some impact, potentially driving people away from the game, so I would give it quite high priority, potentially over anything else. But you're right, I was putting myself on the devs chair a bit too much. Mea culpa ;-) 

This game is so fun as well as being very addicting. Good game!

(1 edit)

look at this shotgun cheat lol


Amazing game, one problem: way too easy to lag out the game. I get insanely overpowered and then I die to freezes.

Not sure what level I am, but I got 3 level upgrades from a green orb and the game hung. on the select upgrade screen.

Super game indie gameplay 


Whenever I get to around level 30 the game crashes. Playing in browser

(1 edit) (+1)

0 hp, still alive, that's what we call a determined soul.

Yup lol


Fun game. I need to get better. But well worth the play and the upgrades.

Ya, it seems that the crash's are common and very annoying, I have had a few good runs ruined by it now.


Also had a nasty crash on the download version. I was just gunning it with high rate of fire explosive rounds (assault rifle) and circling around with my flamethrower at the same time when suddenly the game froze and just disappeared, quite a hard crash.


We'll be looking into getting this fixed, aiming for our future releases to be very stable

Yeah, I think that would be a good thing, to fix it before release ;-)

If you guys have time to fix it in the this version already that would be awesome. Would love to play this a bit more, but the crashes make me hesitant. Would understand if you don't of course, early versions don't have high prio :-)


Just rating this review from the point of view of a browser based time killer, it is pretty fun.  Just needed something to kill some time at work (don't tell my boss) and found this to be a lot of fun.


Played a few games now, found the shotgun and Tesla thing pretty much usesless. Maybe it's dependent on the upgrades you select, but I found the rate of fire and the damage done way too low to keep up with the amount of (scaling up) enemies.

Downloaded this a couple days ago and already desperate for the full release. 

playing the downloaded steam version on a stonky pc, but still struggling with crashes.

can't really blame it with the below though.

how... just how did it  get to that point...

(1 edit)

What happens when your drone's level exceeds the level of the gun it's using? Idk but I suspect that's causing the crashes

Great game! Really fun (spent all day at school playing the game today haha).

Plays satisfying and the pixelart is lovely. Wishlisted!


i don't GYATT a lot for rizzmas there is just one sigma I need and Skibidi  fr underneath the rizzful tree the walters GYATT and meeeeeeeeeeee got fanum taxed by fring gus omg is that among us make my rizz come true oh ligma all i want for rizzmas is you

get off of this site please, literal brain rot

I tried to run it on mobile but for some reason none of the buttons show up, is it not mobile supported?

Very cool game! Wishlisted :) Played three games now and its really satisfying. Well done! Did came across a nasty crash though. See comment for a screenshot from the game as well.

Hey! Played your game and thought it was great, will be adding this to my steam Wishlist. Had a pretty good first run I would say lol, but looking at the comments below maybe I didn't get too far. Love the game so far, looking forward to the progress you make!


Good take on the vampire style!

Got a crash after 20mins (??) play:

Uncaught RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
    at Scripting::GetCachedPtrFromScriptingWrapper(ScriptingObjectPtr) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x371dc3d)
    at Scripting::GetInstanceIDFor_NoThreadCheck(ScriptingObjectPtr) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x372aa69)
    at void Transfer_UnityEngineObject<RemapPPtrTransfer, false>(SerializationCommandArguments const&, RuntimeSerializationCommandInfo&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2dc868a)
    at void RemapPPtrTransfer::TransferSTLStyleArray<ArrayOfManagedObjectsTransferer>(ArrayOfManagedObjectsTransferer&, TransferMetaFlags) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2dc9062)
    at void Transfer_ManagedObject<RemapPPtrTransfer, true>(SerializationCommandArguments const&, RuntimeSerializationCommandInfo&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2dc87f5)
    at void TransferField_LinearCollection<RemapPPtrTransfer>(SerializationCommandArguments const&, RuntimeSerializationCommandInfo&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2dc81d9)
    at void Transfer_ManagedObject<RemapPPtrTransfer, false>(SerializationCommandArguments const&, RuntimeSerializationCommandInfo&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2dc89aa)
    at void Transfer_ManagedObject<RemapPPtrTransfer, false>(SerializationCommandArguments const&, RuntimeSerializationCommandInfo&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2dc89aa)
    at void RemapPPtrTransfer::TransferSTLStyleArray<ArrayOfManagedObjectsTransferer>(ArrayOfManagedObjectsTransferer&, TransferMetaFlags) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2dc9062)
    at void Transfer_ManagedObject<RemapPPtrTransfer, true>(SerializationCommandArguments const&, RuntimeSerializationCommandInfo&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2dc87f5)
    at void TransferField_LinearCollection<RemapPPtrTransfer>(SerializationCommandArguments const&, RuntimeSerializationCommandInfo&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2dc81d9)
    at void TransferScriptingObject<RemapPPtrTransfer>(RemapPPtrTransfer&, ScriptingObjectPtr, ScriptingClassPtr, SerializationCache::Data*&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2db4828)
    at SerializableManagedRefTransfer::Transfer(Object*, SerializableManagedRef&, RemapPPtrTransfer&, bool) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2ddb81d)
    at MonoBehaviour::VirtualRedirectTransfer(RemapPPtrTransfer&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2d98cad)
    at CloneObjectImpl(Object*, Transform*, vector_map<int, int, std::__2::less<int>, stl_allocator<std::__2::pair<int, int>, (MemLabelIdentifier)1, 16> >&) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x371b4f4)
    at Object_CUSTOM_Internal_CloneSingleWithParent(Il2CppObject*, Il2CppObject*, unsigned char) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x37629f2)
    at Object_Instantiate_m99F2A72EF6BFE09E6CF4FCF6207C5BCFAD1D76CF (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2285220)
    at Object_Instantiate_TisRuntimeObject_mDC5AD8BD13FE50E98B67B956C048367F4E8C6F94_gshared (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x24e200b)
    at Object_Instantiate_TisRuntimeObject_m75BF3B0A3747B60491845FA41612FE7F795F0A59_gshared (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x24e1fc3)
    at UIGunStatDisplay_CreateWidget_mE7495F7A6F30F10671B5B2FC106C4DF2218A2E01 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x850214)
    at dynCall_viiii (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x382eaae)
    at invoke_viiii (webgl-release.framework.js.gz:10:436937)
    at UIGunStatDisplay_Setup_mADC5B6DD84011D45943B4933F3AABE9D76D24A63 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x85002e)
    at UIGunUpgradeScreen_UpdateStatDisplay_m09AC1100060B73D12A922D955BB5227891145671 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x853506)
    at UIGunUpgradeScreen_WhenSelectAnUpgrade_m85AFB0ADA73F923B73FB0F56A962CE16A201F097 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x853bea)
    at UIGunUpgradeWidget_WhenSelect_m7E0A7BBA4C6CC38429956F8A8B55031F07A7A1BC (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x855ee0)
    at InvokableCall_1_Invoke_m3850751D31E5449E3DEF5CD7FFF2D61DCA5C5790_gshared (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x141415c)
    at UnityEvent_1_Invoke_m6CDC8B0639CE8935E2E13D10B2C8E500968130B6_gshared (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x143223f)
    at EventTrigger_Execute_m8F637065284AB93B0D2C1090C63830AFD9CE25BE (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x198bc6d)
    at EventTrigger_OnSelect_m191AD9E9C686FABEEF036AAC0D89F27D7BACC8E4 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x198bcf7)
    at ExecuteEvents_Execute_mBDDBAF4DEB956C013CD19E514088B6AC086783B2 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x198ca0c)
    at KeyGeneratedEventHandler_Invoke_mD73F8C7BC0305037EC520C3F4AF3DE74E5481DDA_OpenStatic(KeyGeneratedEventHandler_t5EDD824AAD4D47A4C32E693596793AB83DB84107*, Il2CppObject*, EventArgs_t37273F03EAC87217701DD431B190FBD84AD7C377*, MethodInfo const*) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2126f7)
    at dynCall_viiii (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x382eaae)
    at invoke_viiii (webgl-release.framework.js.gz:10:436937)
    at ExecuteEvents_Execute_TisRuntimeObject_mDC4455B743BE4A6BA46DD741D0E0AB150FF1209A_gshared (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x20172d9)
    at EventSystem_SetSelectedGameObject_m9675415B7B3FE13B35E2CCB220F0C8AF04ECA173 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x1985242)
    at Selectable_OnPointerDown_m4425D3C7641AAD2430A7E666F35047E2F3B623D3 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x19b0c10)
    at ExecuteEvents_Execute_m36FF8B992CDB75A825077B7A52AA7BE72318B37F (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x198c19c)
    at KeyGeneratedEventHandler_Invoke_mD73F8C7BC0305037EC520C3F4AF3DE74E5481DDA_OpenStatic(KeyGeneratedEventHandler_t5EDD824AAD4D47A4C32E693596793AB83DB84107*, Il2CppObject*, EventArgs_t37273F03EAC87217701DD431B190FBD84AD7C377*, MethodInfo const*) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2126f7)
    at dynCall_viiii (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x382eaae)
    at invoke_viiii (webgl-release.framework.js.gz:10:436937)
    at ExecuteEvents_Execute_TisRuntimeObject_mDC4455B743BE4A6BA46DD741D0E0AB150FF1209A_gshared (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x20172d9)
    at ExecuteEvents_ExecuteHierarchy_TisRuntimeObject_m47C22A77611C31042CA566EE345A4A1017A40A65_gshared (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2017b30)
    at InputSystemUIInputModule_ProcessPointerButton_m68284C737796E80096AD8EAD1E0C687577131FE6 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0xa0695c)
    at InputSystemUIInputModule_ProcessPointer_mD889935190247CE78A8FE68ACA10CDD1C3B43E5D (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0xa05e9f)
    at InputSystemUIInputModule_Process_mD46ECAA34DE552BF7178B12774FDF80ED24FB980 (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0xa0ba29)
    at EventSystem_Update_m9D0AC1A7236F0DA1CCA0A8FFE0D8D33D960D433C (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x198b7e2)
    at RuntimeInvoker_TrueVoid_t4861ACF8F4594C3437BB48B6E56783494B843915(void (*)(), MethodInfo const*, void*, void**, void*) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2c28f46)
    at il2cpp::vm::Runtime::InvokeWithThrow(MethodInfo const*, void*, void**) (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x2c73a8c)
    at dynCall_iiii (webgl-release.wasm.gz:0x382ea3c)

Yeah, i got same crash, many times. It is a great game - i does the items, stats, upgrades really well. On the other hand it is rough around the edges and needs some polishing. I regret starting playing it on the web browser, becouse of the bug and i don't won't to start from scrath.


This is great feedback! We're working on performance and making more systems and gun upgrades :D

this game is very addicting! even though the game will not be free in the upcoming full version of it, its still a great game!

Yeah will buy it as it is the only thing my pc can handle XD

Is mac download every gonna happen?

Imidiatly after i say this a mac version is added  which is just great

Game crash after a while. playing in browser. maybe should download to prevent crash?

This game is amazing

(1 edit)

web version crashed a couple times, I recommend downloading it if you want to have a run longer than 10min. One critique is that the snowball in this game is crazy. Probably one of the best Vampire Survivors clones I've ever played

Made it very very far in and then the game crashed :(

(1 edit) (+1)

I've been looking for a game like this for a while now. Thoroughly enjoy the fact that I can do things like this. My CPU begs to differ.

"My cpu begs to differ" seems like a common theme with this game. For such a low-spec game, it's a very high-spec game... lol

The fact that the game lets you push things to such extremes is part of the fun, even if it can get rough on even a moderately capable system (I'm lucky to have very recently updated my PC so haven't been finding many things that impact performance yet).


I'm playing on chromebook, imagine how my chromebook feels

Ouch! xD


(3 edits)

uhh... i think my drone is a little TOO powerful XD

Setup: (i tried to recreate it but i couldnt fully remake it)


-needs lvl 2 flame thrower

-lvl 2 helix barrel

-ergo grip

-lvl 2 splitter mag

-more anti-safety selectors

(1 edit)

In other news I think we have even more bugs...(This is from console FYI)

OK apparently using the lightweight grip to spawn exp in the target range and picking up the drop pod that spawns will instantly crash the game...??? 

I came up with an idea for an underbarrel series focused around turning dashes into an offensive weapon. 

IDK how to balance stuff though so feedback would be appreciated.

Tier 1: Roll-up Underbarrel (yes this is a pun on barrel roll)

+1 dash charge

-75% dash duration 

x0.33 dash cooldown time

You are now invulnerable while dashing.

-50% effect penalty to all other augments' on-dash triggered abilities 

Tier 2: Encased Underbarrel

+15% damage

+25% movement speed

-20% dash cooldown

Dashing through enemies grants you a momentum stack per enemy passed through granting +15% global damage dealt per stack (additive with itself, multiplicative with everything else).

Momentum stacks decay at a base rate of 0.3/sec, increasing by 0.1/sec per second since you last gained a Momentum stack

Tier 3A: Rotary Underbarrel 

+10% weapon damage

-20% dash cooldown time

Dashing now fires your weapon's projectiles down your flanks for 50% damage.

Tier 3B: Sword Barrel

+15% ability damage

+15% dash size 

Dashing through enemies deals 5% base ability damage to all enemies and stuns them for 0.5 seconds.

I kinda want to see the drone do dashes at mach 10 with this thing equipped. Would be fun to see happen at the very least.

(2 edits)

Great game! IDK why some weapon augments have crossed out text though. 

Also, it'd be really nice for you to be able to view all a weapon's augments in the pause menu/hub world.

(P.S: Please add the ability to change keybinds and effect quality in settings.)

(P.P.S: Is a mobile build planned for this game?)

can we get a 6 barrel rotary bean cannon

or a gau-8

Game seems to consistently crash after defeating the big Eye boss


I crashed the game on level 33 with a rocket launcher, absolute chaos!


Apparently on the downloadable version...

...having 2 rocket launchers with triple helix split shot is enough for the framerate to start dipping once the enemies start getting tanky enough to survive a rocket.

Also lol splodes!

Only played the web version so far but this game is a lot of fun. Very much hoping to see the full version, and very much hoping you don't lock the full version behind Steam exclusivity (Valve has known their launcher app is a health risk for some users for literally 4 years now, and refusing to fix it isn't even the worst part of the story).

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