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Now I'm not saying I'm addicted to the Steam release, but whenever I stop playing it, I start shaking...


I'm a little disappointed to see you're no longer posting your updates here, and more importantly, to have no response (yet) to the concerns I've raised about Steam exclusivity.

The Steam client is (still) a health risk, and has been since 2019. When you first mentioned going to Steam for early access, I pointed this out. I've been hoping for a response, or some confirmation that the game will be available elsewhere, even if not during the early access process. I know Steam provides a lot of useful tools for a game in development, but being literally harmful to some users is kind of a deal breaker when I'm one of those people.


Thanks for reaching out! For our early access release we are focused on Steam, during early access we plan to explore support for additional platforms & consoles. We will share information as our plans become more firm, be sure to follow our socials or subscribe to our mailing list to ensure you hear any news!


Thanks! As unfortunate as it is for my personal situation, I'm aware that Steam makes a lot of things about early access easier. I'm already on your mailing list, and I'll be keeping an eye out for news as the game progresses! Hope to see you somewhere less horrible soon!


How can software be a "health risk"?


By acting as a trigger for migraines, epilepsy, and several other conditions where various forms of light can act as triggers for things. In this case, Steam is affecting a surprising number of gamers (myself among them) who have never had any software app other than Steam act as a trigger for our conditions. It's honestly pretty crazy - and so is the response from Valve (which literally includes violating privacy laws in response to being asked to fix the problem).


Well, I guess I'm the fool for falling for a troll online.


That's your take on this? Seriously? No. There are numerous conversations (including on the Steam forums) about the problems. Valve has known it's an issue since a few days after they caused it with an update in 2019. They've done nothing to fix the various problems, and taken multiple steps which make things worse, and behaved in actively abusive ways toward the (former) customers trying to get the problems fixed.

I wish I was a troll, that would mean I wouldn't have lost $3000 worth of games which Valve have effectively stolen from me.


I have severe epilepsy, to the point I can't enjoy 90% of shooter games as unexpected flash bangs or just overall too many random lights on screen causes issues for me. 

I have never heard of, nor had any issues just because I use Steam for my games, is this a real issue? I googled like crazy for a while, and was unable to find a single report of the Steam Platform causing health issues. Financial issues, all over the place, but not even 1 person saying "I use steam and it caused a seizure"


If Steam can cause headaches and epilepsy problems, then why are you interested in a game were builds can cause bullets to be flickering all over the screen with a lot of colours and a bunch of noise? Seems very counterintuitive to complain about Steam causing these issues when this game itself could cause the issues.


Lets consider some facts:

-Within days after the update which caused the problem (over 5 years ago), it was confirmed that the Steam client was causing harm to users with either or both of 2 medical conditions, and has since been found to be affecting several other photosensitive conditions (the first 2 being the ones which come with a risk of hospitalisation).
-Multiple users with no prior history of any computer software behaving as a trigger for our conditions have found that the Steam client appears to be a singular exception to that since this update.
-I've directly tested it and confirmed that the Steam client itself was causing issues for me personally, and ruled out the possibility of the trigger being any other software I was running through or alongside the client.
-It's been over 4 years since I stopped trying to use the Steam client, and in that time, I've regained access to about 90% of the games I had played on Steam while it was causing problems, and none of them has caused any issues when played outside of Steam. The one game I had been playing at the time which I haven't regained personal access to, I've watched a friend play on a different platform, and also had no issues while doing so.
-In more than 30 years of computer use, I've had no instances of any game being found to act as a migraine trigger for me, nor any other computer software, except for the Steam client, in spite of playing easily 10x as many games as I ever had on my (functionally stolen) Steam account, which was worth over $3000 at the time I was forced to abandon it.
-I picked the demo of this game up before it had a Steam page, and have played well over 50 hours of it (probably more than 100, though I haven't kept accurate track). I've never tried running the game through Steam, and I've never had it trigger a migraine in that time.
-Just in the past year, I have hundreds of hours in games more flashy than this one, also without any issues.

Given that there are multiple people other than me who have confirmed they've had similar issues, and I've been involved with tests which confirmed it to be a problem for me, I think putting the blame on Steam is pretty solid. Even without that, having 50+ hours of playtime without it ever causing problems is a pretty clear indication that this game has never been the cause of my problems.


Managed to beat it again, killed the boss this time and got way better stats, lowkey, 50 cal with explode and fast firerate is meta.


We need a Roomba Boss Fight for the memes


lol I can get behind this

Helix Rockets has to be the most beautiful, destructive, and laggy thing I have ever seen

Four words:

Explosive Helix Barrel Shotgun

Three words:

Helix Barrel Shotgun

I found 2 black doors, some kidna weird thing with 3 activators that i had to sacrfice 3 things to, and after i went to a weird door thing in a secret passage near spawn which i could have sworn that that wasnt there before, a yellow circle popped up on my minimap, but when i went there there was nothing athough there was a group of rocks to suggest that there was soemthing there or is supposed to be there, and when i got back the secret passage dissapeared??


erm what the sigma is up with the secrets?!?!?!?

Great game, I finally beat it, sort of, and cant wait for the whole game to realese!

This has come such a long ways!  I think I'm realizing I just really don't like the upgrade research system though.  The presentation makes it very annoying to sort through to see if I have the required resources for something, let alone compare my choices.  I guess just highlighting or sorting by what you can afford would solve most of the problem.

Purely needing to grind by searching for spawns is also pretty boring tbh, I think there could be something more interesting

How does one complete a run?

Survive for 30 minutes or kill the final boss that spawns around 25 minutes.

I might like this game if it had auto-targeting and autofire so I don't have to aim with one hand and move with the other. It's tedious for a game that's a simple, overhead shooter with so many simple enemies. This isn't a first-person shooter where I'm doing a lot of aiming.

Check the options menu, there is auto-aim & auto-fire!


It does have auto fire and auto aim you just have to go to settings

Thanks guys! I will check that out. It would make an enormous difference!

Found the settings! This should do nicely!

I have unlocked the homing thingy, but how do I actually get it onto my gun, like what upgrades do I need to use it??


Could so mighty a hunter be also so foolish?

Well. I can!


:) first run compleated

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